Various ways to implement continuous manufacturing in pharmaceutical development and production

Various ways
Various ways to implement continuous manufacturing in pharmaceutical development and production
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Vaccines & special-risk groups: Cardiovascular diseases

Vaccination is one of the most effective measures to prevent disease transmission and protect populations from a variety of diseases that heavily impact individuals and health systems.
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How to Safely Handle Your Antibody Drug Conjugate

Antibody Drug Conjugates (ADCs) have a highly specific mechanism of action which is an advantage for the treatment of several oncology indications. They are made of a highly toxic payload, a linker, and an antibody.
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What pharmaceutical marketers can do now to stay ahead of the evolving customer journey


In association with pharmaphorum, Tag discusses what pharmaceutical marketers can to do stay ahead of the evolving customer journey.
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WEBINAR Improve efficiency and return on investment by adopting molecular spectroscopy techniques in pharma manufacturing

In this on-demand webinar, discover the differences between FTIR, NIR and Raman spectroscopy, learn how spectroscopy is applied in quality control labs and hear how implementation of these techniques increased efficiency and minimised costs.
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