Vaccines & special-risk groups: Cardiovascular diseases

Vaccines & special
Vaccination is one of the most effective measures to prevent disease transmission and protect populations from a variety of diseases that heavily impact individuals and health systems.
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Control-Alter-Delete: Epigenetic Regulation by Non-Coding RNAs in Neuronal Systems Webinar


Listen in as Dr Jeremy Day, of the Department of Neurobiology at the University of Alabama at Birmingham, discusses his work exploring non-coding RNA species regulation of DNA methylation in neuronal system- including a review of some of his lab's latest unpublished data.
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Serialization 2.0 — Moving Beyond Compliance


Serialization is a great achievement for our industry. However, most executives now realize that it is only part of the solution, and serialization alone cannot solve the escalating problems of counterfeiting and diversion within the pharmaceutical industry. The global value of pharmaceutical counterfeiting is $200B annually. More staggering is that the gray market is forecasted to reach almost $3 trillion by 2022.
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Improve ultrapure water system performance and uptime with ozone


This webinar is designed to help companies understand the application and benefit of ozone technology in ultrapure water systems and how ozone solutions can improve water system performance, uptime and product quality in pharmaceutical manufacturing applications.
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Optimizing eConsent for Patient Centricity


Most informed consent forms are not patient focused and do not support the needs of the study participant! Use of electronic consent can help improve the current paper document approach, but there is more to it than just replacing paper with a multi-media eConsent. What does it take to make eConsent patient centric?
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