Many pharma companies are seeking new ways of making drug development more efficient and cost-effective through innovation, new technologies and process evolution. This has led to an increase in the outsourcing of development activities to contract research partners who focus solely on disciplines such as discovery chemistry, clinical testing, and formulation development and manufacturing.
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Life science companies face major obstacles to continue operations and profitability. Examples include patent expirations, low research and development productivity, increased competition, decreased margins, non-optimized processes and mounting compliance pressure.
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Amidst the massive technological and social changes upending the societal status quo, the culture of doctors around the globe is also in flux according to The Truth About Doctors, a new global research study conducted by McCann Health, in partnership with McCann Truth Central. This landmark study which surveyed nearly 2,000 doctors in 16 markets, found that the practice of medicine is not everything doctors thought it would be. In fact, the expectations of the job are startling mismatched to the realities of the high-volume, cost-cutting, technology-driven health environment we live in today. There is a massive gap between expectations and reality for doctors around the globe that is impacting their ability to do their job, as well as their enthusiasm for it.
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The pharmaceutical industry is currently adapting different dosage forms, of which solid oral dosage (tablets, capsules, powders etc), is one of the most popular.
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