Manufacturing of Cytotoxic and Non-Cytotoxic Drugs in a Multiproduct Facility

March 10, 2019

When different drug products are produced in shared facilities, the potential for cross-contamination is always a concern that needs to be addressed.


Denovo Biopharma

A Novel Biomarker Discovery Solution for Personalized Drug Development. Denovo Biopharma is a private San Diego based biotech company, also operating in China, providing a novel biomarker solution to personalize drug development. The core technology of the company is its industry's first platform and algorithm to perform de novo genomic biomarker discovery retrospectively using archived clinical samples.

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Discovering Effective Strategies for Sales and Marketing in the Face of Reduced Access to Oncologists

whitePaper | January 15, 2023

Oncology breakthroughs are currently fueling significant growth in the market, as well as the competition between pharmaceutical brands for market share. As increasingly individualized cancer treatments become available,

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2020 Prescription Drug List

whitePaper | April 7, 2020

The information in this document is designed to help you understand the prescription drug benefits offered under this plan and to compare these benefits to those offered by other plans. Information contained in this summary is designed to help you compare both the value and scope offormulary benefits.

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The Next Generation of Rare Disease Drug Policy

whitePaper | April 7, 2022

The United States defines a rare disease as a condition affecting fewer than 200,000 people in the country or one in which “there is no reasonable expectation” of recovering research and development costs.1 Examples of rare diseases include genetically-linked cancers, cystic fibrosis, and debilitating pediatric conditions like Gaucher disease and spinal muscular atrophy

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Winning with biosimilars Opportunities in global markets

whitePaper | March 14, 2022

Over the past several years, biologics have gained significant traction in the pharmaceutical industry, representing more than $150 billion in global sales in 2013. By 2020 they are predicted to generate $290 billion in revenue and comprise 27 percent of the pharmaceutical market.i

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Pharma 2020: Marketing the future. Which path will you take?

whitePaper | August 8, 2021

If Pharma is to create a new marketing and sales model that is fit for 2020, it will have to begin by analysing its own value chain to identify opportunities for working more closely with healthcare payers and providers. It will, for example, have to collaborate much more closely with payers (be they governments, health insurers, employers or patients) to ensure that it develops medicines which have real social and economic value.

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New technology advances biopharma chromatography productivity

whitePaper | February 16, 2023

Monoclonal antibody drugs (mAbs) make up more than 50 percent of the biologics on the market today, as well as a significant number of new drugs in the development pipeline. The value and impact of these therapies has been dramatic.

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Denovo Biopharma

A Novel Biomarker Discovery Solution for Personalized Drug Development. Denovo Biopharma is a private San Diego based biotech company, also operating in China, providing a novel biomarker solution to personalize drug development. The core technology of the company is its industry's first platform and algorithm to perform de novo genomic biomarker discovery retrospectively using archived clinical samples.
