Follow-on drugs: Circumventing the customary patent cliffs in Big Pharma

October 30, 2018

Follow-on drugs, also referred to as ‘next-generation drugs’, are ‘an established practice’ among drug innovators. They are one of the most effective R&D strategies implemented by drug innovators, and can be considered a cannibalization or switching strategy. In a nutshell, it is a timely switch from a mature/firstgeneration drug to its next-generation, improved version. Given the fixed patent term and limited market exclusivity of drugs, cannibalization has been instrumental in maintaining the market share for drug makers.



Doctible is a healthcare SaaS platform for engaging patients and automating back-office workflow to help practices and health systems grow.

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Addressing Viral Pandemics Such as COVID-19 Using the Carterra® LSA

whitePaper | January 21, 2023

Emerging Diseases Require New Tools Medicines to treat and prevent infectious diseases cover a broad range of modalities from dosed therapeutics to vaccines. Biotherapeutics require a detailed knowledge of binding sites, or epitopes, on their respective antigens.

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Securing the modern pharmaceutical supply chain

whitePaper | April 22, 2022

Members of the Health-ISAC community have produced a security framework for the pharmaceutical supply chain comprising this CISO guide.

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Characterization of Protein Aggregates and Other Particles in Biopharmaceuticals

whitePaper | July 8, 2022

Particulates are ubiquitous in parenteral drug products and remain a concern throughout their development and production1–3. These particles must be monitored to satisfy.

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The Annual Clinical Trials Round-up 2021

whitePaper | October 13, 2022

In our previous edition of the Clinical Trials Roundup1, we explored the acute disruptions that the COVID-19 pandemic brought to the clinical trials landscape in 2020.

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Protein fingerprints pave the way for microarray comparison

whitePaper | June 9, 2022

Anaxomics has developed a novel method of analysis for microarray data based on the generation and subsequent comparison of 2D fingerprints for each sample. Microarray results are incorporated into a protein interaction network and embedded with all sorts of biological and medical data.

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Deck 7 Webinars and Virtual Events

whitePaper | January 1, 2020

If you recognize some of these challenges, download the Deck 7 Webinar & Virtual Events overview to see how we make it easy for busy marketers to run highly successful webinars and virtual events....

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Doctible is a healthcare SaaS platform for engaging patients and automating back-office workflow to help practices and health systems grow.
