June 24, 2019

We believe that data-driven marketing shouldn’t be confusing. Every company should know what works for their campaigns in order to make more ROI-driven decisions. At Directive, we not only craft customized campaigns for your unique marketing objectives - we exceed those objectives and truly revolutionize your digital presence. We pride ourselves on the comprehensive and in-depth nature of the campaigns we build. From the outset - we prioritize transparent and accurate tracking to get the best picture of how campaigns are performing.


Care Alliance Health Center

Care Alliance is a Level 3 NCQA Patient-Centered Medical Home and non-profit, Federally Qualified Health Center that provides health care to low-income individuals and families living in Cleveland. Care Alliance was founded in 1985 as one of the original 19 Robert Wood Johnson Foundation/Pew Health Care for the Homeless pilot projects.

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Using High Throughput SPR to Explore the Full Kinetic and Epitope Diversity of Large Antibody Libraries

whitePaper | February 24, 2023

A new way of thinking and working has evolved for the discovery of therapeutic antibodies. Until recently, large numbers of antibodies were generated, only for a relatively small fraction to be sampled and engineered for further lead generation.

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Blockchain technology in the pharmaceutical industry

whitePaper | March 11, 2022

Blockchain technology is accelerating digital transformation across multiple industries, including the pharmaceutical industry.

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Unlocking iPSCs to Improve CNS Modeling and Drug Discovery

whitePaper | June 15, 2022

To date, therapeutic advances in treating central nervous system (CNS) disorders have been incremental at best. As the global population increases and older demographics begin to make up a disproportionately larger percentage,

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Choosing the Right Temperature Monitoring Solution

whitePaper | April 24, 2023

Globally, pharmaceutical regulators are becoming attuned to cold chain issues as biologics, vaccines, and other temperature‐sensitive products are commercialized for a global clientele. Many regulators now recommend including temperature monitoring technology in every cold chain shipment.

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Global Use of Medicines 2023

whitePaper | January 18, 2023

Reaching a post-pandemic era is an alluring prospect for almost everyone around the world after the disruptions of the past three years.

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Overcoming Pharma’s Launch Performance Problem

whitePaper | March 24, 2023

The prescription medicine market recovered from the wild swings of the early pandemic with renewed volume growth, driven by generics. COVID-19 vaccines and treatments have created a substantial market.

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Care Alliance Health Center

Care Alliance is a Level 3 NCQA Patient-Centered Medical Home and non-profit, Federally Qualified Health Center that provides health care to low-income individuals and families living in Cleveland. Care Alliance was founded in 1985 as one of the original 19 Robert Wood Johnson Foundation/Pew Health Care for the Homeless pilot projects.
