VR & AR for Healthcare & Pharma – Overcome Challenges, Find Opportunities and Drive ROI

The boom of virtual and augmented reality in the healthcare and pharmaceutical industries is a major growth area for XR. However, there are still many regulatory challenges to overcome, and there are plenty of questions still to be answered.
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Clinical and Genetic Determinants of Contralateral Breast Cancer in Newly Diagnosed Breast Cancer Patients

Ambry Genetics

This webinar will review clinical and genetic risk factors for contralateral breast cancer in patients who have been newly diagnosed with breast cancer. A specific focus on the role of family history and genetic mutations on contralateral breast cancer risk will be outlined. The role of risk models and how to apply these and other prediction tools in the clinical setting will be reviewed.
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The Safety Evaluation and Surveillance of Generic Drugs

FDA’s Division of Drug Information in the Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER) is excited to present a series of educational webinars.
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How effective is it for pharma pricing & forecasting? Some evidence-based answers

Artificial intelligence (AI) - “getting computers to do things that normally require a human mind” - is routinely being put to good use when making pharma clinical development decisions.
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Digital Transformation in Pharma Manufacturing

No longer just a catch phrase, digital transformation in pharma manufacturing is more critical today than ever before and the industry is getting on board.
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