The Unsung Hero of Drug Discovery Kinetics

While the importance of ligand-receptor binding kinetics on drug action is becoming well established, focus to date has been almost entirely on the role of the dissociation constant on drug efficacy and duration of action.
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Applying Technology to New Science: Biopharma’s New Growth Engine


Today, there are clear signs that the biopharmaceutical industry is facing a quiet yet potentially damaging force: compressive disruption. However, future-focused biopharma companies have found a way to deliver exceptional growth amidst compressive disruption: by embracing New Science, an ever-evolving combination of the best in science and health technology that is filling unmet need and raising the standard of care. Accenture research finds that leaders in New Science are investing 6-7x more in digital, data and genomics compared to their peers.
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Antibodies and Antibody-Drug Conjugate Higher Order Structures Revealed


Recently investigators have begun to harness new technology such as microfluidic modulation spectroscopy (MMS) to reveal protein structural changes, as a solid understanding of structure and function is extremely important to the effectiveness of biotherapeutic drugs and scientist today are challenged in gathering a complete understanding with current tools. During the biomanufacturing process, proteins such as antibodies, often undergo conformational changes that can alter their secondary structure, leading to critical variations in their overall function. These changes have been historically difficult to detect, as traditional analytical techniques are not great at detecting small differences in protein structure.
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Preventing Readmissions Through Quality Healthcare

Lorman Education Services

Gain a better understanding of quality health care and improved patient outcomes based on the quality of care. Health care is quickly becoming a commodity. The increased focus on quality by CMS and other payer sources has driven the need to create effective strategies to control costs. One such strategy is reducing preventable readmissions. Hospitals are keenly aware of the cost of readmissions, both in penalties from CMS and in their reputation as centers for quality and improved patient outcomes. The purpose of this information is to equip the user with the tools to identify those patients at risk, to intervene when necessary, to disseminate to their staff, and to ensure that lasting change will occur. This information is an intermediate level course designed for mid to upper-level hospital administrators. This course is ideal for the hands-on manager to assess and implement a hospital-wide program aimed at reducing the number of readmissions.
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A Clinical Perspective on Sexually Transmitted Infections: What is the State of Play

LabRoots Inc.

Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) continue to affect most sexually active populations across the globe, especially the traditional high-risk groups for bacterial STIs such as young people, men who have sex with men (MSM) and individuals from black and minority ethnic populations. Bacterial STIs such as Gonorrhoea and Chlamydia remain common. In western settings, we have observed the re-emergence of high rates of syphilis and lymphogranuloma venereum, mostly in MSM. Urethral and vaginal discharge syndromes, genital ulcer disease are frequent clinical presentations. However, the development of highly sensitive molecular assays has revealed that asymptomatic infections are also common, particularly at extragenital sites, and probably drive transmission of STIs.
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