The future of healthcare will change for the better by adding more tailored treatment options, where patients get the best medication related to their disease state and predisposition.
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Delivery of therapeutics to the human eye is one of the most interesting—but challenging—endeavors a formulator can take on. The anatomy and chemical composition of the eye make it highly resistant to pharmaceutical penetration. Successfully circumventing these protective barriers requires intimate knowledge of ocular delivery as well as specialized development and manufacturing expertise.
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Ambry Genetics
In this webinar, Dr. Xu will summarize recent data on inherited risk for prostate cancer, including germline mutations in high-penetrance genes (HPGs), risk-associated SNPs, and SNP-based genetic risk score (GRS). He will present detailed data supporting the broad-sense validity of GRS in risk assessment as well as the need for assessing the narrow-sense validity of GRS values. Finally, he will review the data supporting the importance of GRS when estimating the penetrance of HPGs.
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Ambry Genetics
An introduction to study designs for investigating the role of genes in disease will be provided, followed by an overview of statistical methods used to test hypotheses for each design. Examples of several designs will be discussed, as well as accompanying methods. Publications assessing the role of genetic variation in disease will be examined, and a critical critique of methods and results for each publication will be reviewed.
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