MAT: a powerful tool to assess pyrogenic risk in pharmaceutical process

Microbial risk in pharmaceutical process is not limited to living microorganisms and intact microbial cells. Subcellular components from microorganisms remaining from the production process can be source of pyrogens, compromising product quality and patient safety as these substances are not eliminated by classical filtration or sterilization steps.
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Antioxidants, a safe and viable Inhibition Strategy for Nitrosamine Formation In Drug Products

Nitrosamines are potential mutagens and need to be controlled in human drug products. Recently, nitrosamine contamination of high-profile drugs has prompted numerous recalls, and increased regulatory assessments for marketed products.
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CryoEM for Drug Discovery


Cryo-electron microscopy (cryoEM) is a Nobel Prize-winning technique for solving high-resolution three-dimensional structures of biological molecules such as proteins, that is used for structure-based drug design. Key to the success of cryoEM are significant advances in high performance computer vision and machine learning algorithms, used to extract information from large numbers of noisy 2D microscope images and compute and refine 3D structures of target proteins in near-native states.
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Trends in Peptides and Oligonucleotides

Peptide and oligonucleotide drugs are versatile therapeutics with a growing range of applications and many similarities in terms and of manufacturing and regulation.
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Ensuring Compliance for Pharma Companies Through Local Label Deviations

Business Review Webinars

Many global pharmaceutical companies are often faced with a volume of content in the field that has grown to a point where the quality of that labeling is unknown. Assessment of what exists and correcting the process to avoid pitfalls in the future can be a daunting task.
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