Pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies value streamlined services from early-phase development to clinical supply services to commercialization. These services not only provide with improved efficiencies, such as the ease of transition from one development phase to the next, but also remove the challenges of dealing with multiple vendors when transitioning into clinical supplies and commercial availability.
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What makes a good potential target for drug discovery? Listen in as Dr. Elizabeth Glennon, of King's College London, discusses how the disruption of axonal transports early on within Alzheimer's Disease provides excellent targets for drug discovery. How the disruption of axonal transport contributes to the development of Alzheimer's disease. Mechanisms of axonal transport of the Alzheimer's amyloid precursor protein, and how these are altered in the disease.
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Low frequency Raman spectroscopy has been used to study various polymorphs and can be applied to the design of crystallization control strategy. Extending the low frequency spectral region to include the fingerprint region provides access to collective vibrations of molecules in the amorphous and crystalline states and yields valuable insight when differentiation of various forms is quintessential.
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The pharma industry is 55 per cent more emission-intensive than the automotive industry, according to the report titled, Carbon footprint of the global pharmaceutical industry and relative impact of its major players. At the same time regulators and society demand safe, affordable and accessible healthcare globally.
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