Disrupting the Industry through Implementation of Pharma 4.0 Technologies

Disrupting the
Pharmaceutical manufacturers are facing unprecedented challenges from supply chain disruptions, significant demand fluctuations, reliability.
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Overcoming Challenges in Ophthalmic Drug Delivery Including Bioavailability and Sterility


Delivery of therapeutics to the human eye is one of the most interesting—but challenging—endeavors a formulator can take on. The anatomy and chemical composition of the eye make it highly resistant to pharmaceutical penetration. Successfully circumventing these protective barriers requires intimate knowledge of ocular delivery as well as specialized development and manufacturing expertise.
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How effective is it for pharma pricing & forecasting? Some evidence-based answers

Artificial intelligence (AI) - “getting computers to do things that normally require a human mind” - is routinely being put to good use when making pharma clinical development decisions.
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Characterization of Residual Impurities in Gene Therapy Drug Products

Characterization of residual impurities for gene therapy drug products is particularly challenging due to the complex nature of the final products as well as the complicated processes required to manufacture them.
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Progress and pitfalls in the AI-aided search for novel drugs


Artificial intelligence is changing how pharmaceutical companies operate, how they develop and study new treatments, and even what form those treatments take. Pharma companies are now pairing medicines with software — so-called digiceuticals powered by virtual reality and AI. Most of the world’s largest drug companies now have a technology officer in their C-suites. And AI is now being used to help find new drug targets, model diseases, and make clinical trials more efficient.
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