Identifying bona fide protein-protein interactions can be a difficult task due to the complexity of protein interactions. Immunoprecipitation of proteins can elucidate the molecular importance protein-protein interactions play in signal transduction. Join our presenters as they discuss how to identify protein interactions through immunoprecipitation and overcome biochemical problems that can be associated with this technique.
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Biopharmaceutical companies are increasingly challenged to create a drug pricing strategy that both rewards value and innovation, and promotes affordability and access. During this webinar, PwC’s Health Research Institute will review findings from a new global survey of industry executives, and provide analysis and commentary on key drug pricing issues, including:
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This webinar addresses the requirements for continuous monitoring of water for injection (WFI) systems and how this can be achieved with total organic carbon (TOC) and conductivity. It will also cover cold WFI production according to EP and how it applies to water systems.
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What makes a good potential target for drug discovery? Listen in as Dr. Elizabeth Glennon, of King's College London, discusses how the disruption of axonal transports early on within Alzheimer's Disease provides excellent targets for drug discovery. How the disruption of axonal transport contributes to the development of Alzheimer's disease. Mechanisms of axonal transport of the Alzheimer's amyloid precursor protein, and how these are altered in the disease.
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