Millipore Sigma
The classification of mosquito blood cells is controversial, complicated by the small size and number of cells one can obtain per mosquito, by the autofluorescent debris found in hemolymph, and the tendency of phagocytes to take up this autofluorescent debris. Much of the classification has been performed morphologically on cytospins of isolated cells. Imaging flow cytometry yields simultaneously acquired bright field, scatter, and fluorescent images of cells in suspension, enabling better resolution of rare cells from debris.
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Innovation continues to be a primary driver of value in pharmaceutical research. However, simultaneously, research budgets are coming under ever-increasing pressure. As a consequence, pharma is moving toward a so-called open research model, one that dispenses with recurrent fixed costs in favor of a more flexible and dynamic external “spend.” By adopting this model, pharma could tap into innovation outside their walls. In this webinar, case studies will be presented highlighting the value of such collaborations, while focusing on discovery campaigns that employ highly relevant functional assays.
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Advanced Cell Diagnostics Inc.
When assessing a potential biological therapeutic candidate, several histopathological technologies are typically employed. This ensures the target expression is validated in both normal and diseased tissues before proceeding with pre-clinical studies. Protein B is a transmembrane glycoprotein that is overexpressed in numerous cancers, including triple-negative breast cancer and is often correlated with the metastatic phenotype. In this GEN webinar, we will discuss the process involved in a typical molecular pathology laboratory.
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The Digi-Tech Pharma & AI 2022 conference brings with it even more interactive sessions, expert speakers, senior professionals and decision makers from leading pharma, bio-tech and healthcare industry.
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