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Brandon Newman

Brandon Newman has over two decades of experience and has worked in managed care for over 25 years. He has heard clients, consultants, account managers, and nearly all stakeholders in healthcare say they are ready for change in the following areas: - having to manage too many accounts without sufficient time or resources - having a reporting dashboard that looks good but takes too much time to effectively use for each client - spending too much time putting out fires and not enough time proactively helping clients reduce costs. He has attempted to use conventional reporting platforms, but these platforms rarely resulted in measurable improvements to company or client performance.



Xevant's revolutionary pharmacy benefits platform infuses real-time automation throughout the data analysis process accelerating and simplifying the painstaking task of report building for PBMs, TPAs, Health Plans, and Brokers. Automated alerts monitor plan performance and notify users of where to take action. The results—faster, more accurate insights. Plus, immediate, and long-term cost savings for users and their clients.

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