Benzer Pharmacy Stocks Up New Inventory Management Solutions with OrderInsite

Benzer Pharmacy proudly announces the start of a joint initiative with OrderInsite™ to improve inventory management processes across its system, ensuring that medications are always in-stock and ready for pick-up without exception. In the words of Meghann Chilcott, Chief Technology and Marketing Officer for Benzer Pharmacy, the move is intended to produce a two-fold outcome that benefits participating  pharmacies in terms of optimizing reserves for better margins, while enhancing the ability of frontline staff members to deliver exceptional customer service at the point-of-sale. “Few things are as frustrating for patients as having to leave the pharmacy empty handed, so we decided to do something about it,” Chilcott reasoned. “Now, by teaming up with OrderInsite, we’ve added in extra layers of protection to guard against preventable shortfalls in drugs on hand.” She continued, “On our end, reluctantly having to say, ‘We’re sorry, but we’re out,’ is simply no longer acceptable under any circumstances.” While Chilcott’s assertion is easier said than done, the technology that makes it possible has a track record of proven success and is currently used by OrderInsite partners such as the American Association of Pharmacies (AAP), PioneerRx, and Medi-Span, among others.



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